To Save America

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Jan 242020
To save the America we grew up with and loved

January 24, 2020, by Sharon Ward

America is clearly and deeply divided. The question is, will we ever be united again? Former newsman, Walter Shapiro, wrote in a Dec 27, 2018, Roll Call article, “What America, and not just the Democrats, need most of all in 2020 is a presidential candidate who can begin to heal the nation’s deep wounds.” He opines that a good president will not only give “an inspirational appeal to our better angels as citizens,” but as well have, “that half-forgotten virtue called competence — the ability to understand how government works and to know how to use the levers of power to recover from the wreckage of the Trump years.”

He started out sounding nice but ended with digging the knife again into the wound. Ridiculing again the President chosen and loved by half the nation, Shapiro demonstrates he has no desire to understand half the population. Those of his mind have no idea how – and perhaps no genuine desire to – heal this land.

Several, but not all, of the 2020 presidential contenders have talked about healing the nation.  An August 2019 article reported that former Pennsylvania congressman Joe Sestak was “running for president to heal this nation’s soul.” A November 8, 2019 headline announced that Senator Cory Booker “wants to heal nation,” and a July 12, 2019 New Yorker headline touted “Andrew Yang’s Robot Apocalypse Can Heal a Divided Nation.”

Dr James J. Zogby, in a November 12, 2019 article, asked, “Will 2020 elections heal or deepen the divide?”  Zogby then claims, “There can be no doubt that, by any measure, Donald Trump has been the most outrageous president in our history…It isn’t just the policies Trump has pursued. It is how he has exacerbated the polarization of our society and coarsened our political discourse.”

What is not fully acknowledged by many on the left is that our society was deeply polarized years before Trump came down the escalator. He is merely supporting and responding to those who elected him – as almost all politicians do.  As far as exacerbation is concerned, half of America believes the far-left – which has falsely alleged that President Trump and his supporters are racist, greedy, fascists – is responsible for almost all of the exacerbation and violence that has occurred.

Indeed, there is a strong case to be made that it is not conservatives who are courting fascism. While many progressives have said they consider Christians to be dislikable, controlling people, they, themselves, embrace strict societal controls designed to prevent Christians from living their faith. This is interesting because four centuries ago in what is now the State of Massachusetts, Puritans, who founded the New England governments, were devoted to Jesus Christ but governed in a very strict, controlling manner.  According to historian Perry Miller, Puritans “disliked individualism” and believed government should not only “interfere and direct and lead as much as it could, in all aspects of life,” but also “discipline and coerce” when necessary.  Liberals in the extremely progressive State of Massachusetts today might not all believe in God, but they, along with other east coast liberals, continue to believe government has a duty to control the masses. Many young liberals, in fact, strongly believe government should prevent free speech, free assembly, and free expressions of Christian religion.  

Democrats seem to underestimate how strongly conservatives feel about this – as well as underestimate how strongly conservatives felt about many of President Obama’s policies.  As long as the Obama administration was enacting policies that liberal America embraced  – they closed their eyes and pretended the rest of America didn’t matter.  President Trump, on the other hand, said they do matter.

Zogby admits that President Trump “speaks directly to” conservatives, but then wrongly claims President Trump “has convinced them that he alone understands them and will fight for them.” President Trump didn’t “convince” conservatives of this.  Liberals have. One only has to listen to a liberal for minutes to hear the condescending and derogatory remarks.  Democrats and their 2020 candidates consistently renounce conservatives as either idiots or racist, sexist, evil white people. If they aren’t doing it overtly, they do it subtly.  Zogby himself frames liberals as good and conservatives as bad, describing Democrats as reaching out to “young voters, ‘minorities,’” and “educated professional women,” while Republicans reach out to “the wealthy, of course, and white, ‘born again,’ non-college educated, and rural voters.”  He applauds Democrats as having “condemned inequality, promoted diversity and tolerance, and proposed a range of social programs designed to meet the needs of the most vulnerable,” then scorns Republicans – alleging they chant a “mantra” for “smaller government, lower taxes,” and “social issues (from abortion to anti-gay rights) to appeal to their voters.”  So much for healing.

The Democrat’s apparent ‘Alinsky’ assumption is that if they ridicule people enough, those people will change. News Flash. Ridicule is only making conservatives angrier and less likely to ‘submit.’  When Obama made his derisive ‘God and guns’ comment and Clinton contemptuously called millions of Americans “Deplorable,” conservatives embraced the terms proudly.  Zogby asserts that conservatives have latched onto President Trump as their “last, best hope” and feel attacks on him are a threat to their well-being. This is partially true. President Trump is currently the best, but not last, hope, and attacks on him, while indeed recognized as threats to well-being, will not stop conservatives. Even if successful at unseating the President – the divide will remain, and conservatives will find another brave soul to fight for them. To think otherwise is delusional.

While Zogby advises 2020 contenders to “appeal to their base, while also speaking directly…to the left-behind working class – of all races…recognizing the hurt, acknowledging the frustration, and sharing the anger of the right,” he does not understand that is impossible. His words may appeal to Leftist elites, but conservatives recognize them as inherently and insufferably paternalistic. Sure – share the anger. Then go ahead and do what you were going to do anyway. Democrats, including those who claim to want to heal the country through “unity and civility,” always assume that those they see as inferior will be satisfied with any token they might give.  After years of maligning conservatives, there is no reason to believe the 2020 Democrats will suddenly care now. 

Zogby admits that “Winning and transforming American politics means adopting a ‘both/and’ instead of an ‘either/or’ approach to politics” and “Ignoring or just trying to get more votes than the ‘other side,’ will only perpetuate the divide.” He also concedes that “lame calls for unity and civility fall flat when people are hurting, frustrated, and mad.” However, his advice to unify the nation “around an agenda that speaks to all Americans across the divide” is naïve, at best. Our nation is not split on minor points of policy, easily compromised.  It is split on primary, fundamental beliefs – core to everyone’s identity.  

Liberals think conservatives are deplorable?  Conservatives think liberals are insane.  Attacking God and guns wasn’t bad enough – liberals have gone on to rob Americans not only of who they have been as a society for centuries – but of the very essence of who they are as human beings.   

For example, when a Democrat reads that many Americans will never – ever – be comfortable with or accepting of biological men in women’s restrooms, does their stomach turn or lips curl into a sneer?  If so, accept that outside of a war that unites Americans in defense of their lives, there is no longer an agenda that will speak to both sides.  The left is quick to condemn any man who might have made the slightest perceived offence to a woman – yet is comfortable ignoring the deep perception of privacy and safety many women need in a bathroom – especially those who have been sexually assaulted in the past.

Several issues cannot be compromised. Too many Democrats have said they want to make children who are just days away from birth disposable.  The large number who staunchly embrace this agenda will need a transformative experience with God before America will ever be united – because conservatives will not cease condemning the cold-blooded murder of infants.   

The left has been attempting to subvert everything Americans have known about life and culture.  Democrats demand the right to teach a leftist illusion to the children who have been allowed to live – including that they can be another gender. Children are then confused into believing that not only can they change gender; they can choose from dozens of ‘genders.’  But because nothing is what it seems, they had better not make the mistake of assuming what a person looks like is what that person really is, and heaven forbid they call them by the wrong pronouns – which have multiplied exponentially along with the genders.  Liberals have then shamed and even punished children who, confused by all this, state the obvious.  

Liberals have told children that God isn’t important and probably doesn’t even exist. They told young girls that it is okay to kill their babies if they want. Then they started infusing this far-left agenda into children’s schoolwork, cartoons, movies and toys.  

Claiming that sexually explicit “Pride parades” are family fun and story hour at the library educational, liberals called conservatives uptight and homophobic, and suggested more drugs be legalized so everyone could just get high and relax.  President Obama broke the camel’s back when he mandated schools open up bathrooms, locker rooms, and even motel rooms on field trips so children the left had allowed to survive but strived to confuse could more effectively stress and confuse other children. In just ten years, Obama had forced so many changes to our society that many citizens over the age of 40 felt they had lost their own culture. This was no longer “your parent’s America.”  Many who were losing their children to the leftist distortions could see this wasn’t going to stop. It was only going to keep getting worse.

All of that – along with the economically destructive policies of the Obama administration – made people grieve for the America they grew up in.  This is why the phrase, “Make America Great Again,” spoke to so many.

Unfortunately, Democrats successfully convinced young people that the phrase was all about ‘race.’

It was not about ‘race.’  It also had less to do with the economy than many out-of-touch elites supposed.  While everyone wants better cash-flow and those who recognize the President’s economic achievements are very grateful for it, the provoked anger during the Obama administration wasn’t about jobs as much as it is about social issues.

The liberals had gone after the children.

Hands off our children. 

This is not a village. You do not get to raise our child.

Conservatives have been pushed too far. As men, women, mothers, fathers and grandparents, they will not allow the far left to destroy their families any longer.

Liberals are enraged at President Trump precisely because of his conservative social policies – yet still don’t get that half of America loves President Trump precisely because of his conservative social policies.  They want to make it about anything but that.

There can never be a uniting of these two, diametrically opposed worldviews. The divide is irreconcilable. Accept it.  No President can heal this nation. Leftists have been clear they intend to extend the craziness further, and conservative have been clear they intend to stop them. Both have been increasingly disgusted by the policies of each other’s successive administrations over the last 30 years.

Nevertheless, don’t worry.  It does not need to come to blows and one side does not need to push the other out of the country. We do not need to have a civil war.  While we cannot heal the divide, there is a way for this nation to survive.

We must genuinely honor the 10th amendment – just as the Founding Father’s originally envisioned.  Unlike genders, we really do have many different states to choose from – 51 if Northern California has its way.  

The original colonies were, by their measure, jarringly distinct from each other.  Each had its own manner of government and was highly protective of its territory. They had separate histories, specific religions, distinguishable cultures and unique commerce issues. They were often in competition or conflict with one another. Nevertheless, while they wanted to retain their individuality, they desired to form a collective central government for purposes of defense, oversea commerce, national infrastructure, and a small number of other issues best handled in unity. Our nation was created, constitution written – and over the years, civil rights added – under the premise that each state be able to maintain its own policies.

Today, if a state decides to be socialist, so be it – with the understanding that the federal government has no power and the other States are under no obligation to bail it out when it fails.  The federal government must finally limit itself to those powers vested by the Constitution and perform only those tasks it was created for. Each State must be free to determine its own internal policies as allowed under the federal constitution – including how long a new resident must wait before receiving state benefits.  The president must return to a more limited role as Chief executive.  It is only in this way – the way originally established by our founding fathers – that this nation can survive under two disparate world views.

Headlines MSM didn’t show you over the last year…

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Nov 062018

‘In case you missed it’ – Just some of the many headlines that that you might have missed if you were watching only CNN, NBC, or ABC…

[If we haven’t added the link yet – just copy and paste the headline in your browser to search for it.]

Massive Crowd Spontaneously Sings “Amazing Grace” after President Trump Pauses 8 MINUTES of Speech, and Encourages Prayer for Fainting Woman at Rally

Trump Admin. Working With Catholic Group to Help Iraqi Christians Rebuild Their Homeland

100,000+ Texans RSVP for Massive Trump Rally in Houston

President Trump Wows Police: “Now and Forever We Will Have Your Back. We’re Going to Start Working with Chicago Today and Take Back Our Streets”


President Trump Signs Bill to Protect Religious Institutions’

Senator Diane Feinstein Moves to Seal FBI Investigation from Public as Ford Story Unravels

Senator Rand Paul’s Wife Sends Emotional Open Letter to Cory Booker Demanding He Stand Down from Harassment: “I’ve Never Felt This Way in My Life”

President Trump Does it Again: Canada Joins Re-Negotiated NAFTA Deal

Trump Plans to Release Middle East Peace Plan within Next Four Months

President Trump’s UN Speech Draws Gasps: “America Will Always Choose Independence and Cooperation over Global Governance, Control and Domination”

Pompeo: US ‘Sparing No Effort’ for Return of Pastor Detained in Turkey


Secretary of State Pompeo: ‘The heart of our mission is the preservation of human dignity’

Vice President Pence: White House ‘stands without apology for the sanctity of human life’

Good News: U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to 49-Year Low for Third Straight Week, Lowest Since 1969

Trump Administration to Palestinians: “Nobody is Entitled to America’s Foreign Aid”

We Have to Put an End to This!”: Lawmaker Calls on DOJ to Investigate Continued Harassment of Colorado Baker


Friends of Zion Founder: The Dinner President Trump Had for Evangelical Leaders Was on “Holy Ground”


President Trump Makes Surprise Visit to Sick Boy in Children’s Hospital: You Won’t See This in the Mainstream News

Trump admin shortens Title X funding period to defund Planned Parenthood sooner

Vice-President Pence: The Mainstream Media Has “Met Their Match” in President Trump

Appeals Court Upholds ‘In God, We Trust’ on Currency, Rejects Atheist Suit

Trump warns Christians: ‘violent’ Left ‘will overturn everything we’ve done’ if Dems win midterms 2018 Midterm Elections

Why President Trump and First Lady Melania Are Hosting a Huge White House Dinner for Evangelicals Tonight

Black Pastors Meet with President Trump to Discuss Prison Reform

Texas Exports More Oil Than It Imports For First Time Ever

U.S. Appeals Court: Roe v. Wade Was ‘Aberration of Constitutional Law’

Trump Cabinet Meeting Begins with Prayer by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

Tea Party Wins Major Victory Over IRS: $3.5 Million Payout

Pres. Trump Approves Largest-Ever Aid Package to Israel; Blocks the Sale of F-35 Jets to Turkey

‘You Always Have a Friend at the White House’: Trump Sits Down With Faith Leaders – “The Most Pro-Black President in Our Lifetime” Pastor Darrell Scott Praises Trump at Meeting with Faith Leaders

U.S. Sanctions Turkish Officials to Protest American Pastor’s Detention

President Trump Donates All $400,000 of His Presidential Salary to Repair Military Cemeteries

Justice Department Launches Task Force to Advance, Defend Religious Liberty

Study Reveals Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Would Require ‘Historic Tax Increases’

Steelworker Tears Up in Reopening of Illinois Plant, ‘Amazing’ GDP Boon for Americans

President Trump Thanks North Korea’s Kim Jong-un for ‘Keeping His Word’ and Returning Remains of US Soldiers Missing Since Korean War

US Commerce Dept’s Report: ‘Booming’ 4.1 Percent Growth Reveals Strong Economy

Mike Pence: Religious freedom is ‘top priority’ of Trump Administration

‘Don’t back down’: Trump’s attorney general urges students to defend free speech on college campuses

Nikki Haley Says Her Faith in Jesus is Why She Supports Israel

Russia, Iran and President Trump’s Handling of Foreign Affairs through the Eyes of Nikki Haley: “We Will Never Trust Putin”

“Baptism by Fire”: Former WH Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s Surprising Confession and Deep Appreciation of President Trump

President Trump Skyrockets to His Highest Job Approval

First-Ever State Dept. Ministerial on Religious Freedom Will Be ‘More Than Talk,’ Pompeo Says


Black Christian Leaders Call on Paul Ryan to Censure Maxine Waters’ ‘Call to Extremism’

U.S. Congressman introduces bill targeting leftists who wear masks while rioting

‘I Am Dedicated to Protecting the Lives of Every American Including the Unborn’: President Trump’s Remarkable Letter to the Right to Life Convention

Democrat Strategist Said He Received Pushback for Urging Party to Welcome Biblical Values

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of President Trump’s Travel Ban

Trump Admin. May Use DNA Tests to Prove Parents, Not Traffickers, Are Crossing Border With Children

President Trump Signs Executive Order Preventing Separation of Immigrant Families: Critics Still Not Happy

US Quits the UN Human Rights Council: “Chronic Bias Against Israel”

56 lawmakers demand Planned Parenthood be investigated for covering-up child sex-abuse

President Trump: Otto Warmbier Did Not Die in Vain

For the First Time, Iran Admits Its Connection to 9/11

“Anyone Can Make War, Only the Most Courageous Can Make Peace”–Here’s the Agreement Made with North Korea Regarding Christians, Troops on the Ground

“I Felt Foolish, and I Hated It; But We Had No Choice”: President Trump on His Previous Rhetoric with Kim Jong Un

Pence Vows Trump Admin Is Aiding Middle East Christians, Fighting Bureaucratic Delays

Ted Cruz Shares 7 Biggest Christian Conservative Victories Since Trump Took Office

Former Inmate, Alice Marie Johnson—Pardoned by President Trump and Now Released from Prison—Speaks Out

Supreme Court sides with Trump: won’t declare ‘right’ to abortion for illegal immigrants

It’s Good to Remember These Amazing Words of Faith Spoken by our President Trump, Last Month

President Trump Signs ‘Right To Try Act,’ Allowing Patients to Seek Alternative Treatment

5 Facts About Immigration Policy Separating Children From Parents, 1,475 Missing Children

State Department Unveils Plan to Wipe Out Religious Persecution Around the World

New Surgeon General is Enlisting the Help of Churches to Help Solve the Opioid Crisis in U.S.

President Trump’s Funding Ban Forces International Abortion Giants to Cut African Operations

House Passes Trump-Backed Prison Reform Bill, Now It’s in the Senate’s Hands

Trump Quotes Jeremiah 1:5 at Pro-Life Gala, Says ‘Every Life Has Meaning’
– Life is the ‘true source of America’s greatness,’ President Trump tells pro-life gala

Trump to Cut Millions in Funding for Planned Parenthood, Abortion Providers

Nikki Haley Doubles Down at UN on Hamas’ Responsibility for Gaza Deaths

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Trump Fulfills a ‘Biblical Prophecy’ by Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

Trump Admin. to Strengthen Religious Freedom Protections for Christian Colleges

‘We Can Look Away, But We Can’t Say We Didn’t Know’: Cries of the Persecuted Church Find the Ear of Capitol Hill

Trump Admin Being Filled With Christians Who Are ‘on Fire for Christ’ — Pence Might Be the Reason

Secretary of State Pompeo is Returning from North Korea with 3 American Christian Detainees

Israeli Air Strike Thwarts Iranian Attack that coincided with President Trump’s announcement
– Trump Withdraws from ‘One-sided’ Iran Deal to Prevent ‘Brink of a Nuclear Breakout’

New Executive Order Aims to Protect Religious Liberty from Government Overreach

Trump Issues Statement on National Day of Prayer: ‘Let Us Come Together to Thank God’

Pres. Trump Declares “Jewish American Heritage Month”: Community is “A Light Unto the Nations”

Trump may deny Planned Parenthood $50M+ per year in Title X funding: report

Trump Tells Buhari: ‘We Cannot Allow Christians to Be Murdered’

AP Admits President Trump Might be Right About Judge’s Political Leanings Influencing Their Rulings

‘The United States Is with Israel in This Fight’: Pompeo Joins Netanyahu Against Iran

Trump to Meet Nigerian President; Will He Discuss Killing of Christians?

South Korea’s Moon: Trump Should Win the Nobel Peace Prize

Senate Confirms Christian Mike Pompeo as New Secretary of State

A-List Rapper Defends Kanye West’s Trump Love

The REAL Donald Trump: Top Aide for 26 Years Says There’s a Public, Tough Side to Trump and a Different Private Side

Trump to Halt HHS Rule Forcing Christian Doctors, Hospitals to Perform Sex Change Surgeries

40 dignitaries to attend dedication of US embassy in Jerusalem on May 14

5 Faith Facts about Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State Nominee

US State Department Report Drops “Occupied” From References to Judea and Samaria

I Was at the Wheaton Meeting; It Wasn’t ‘Crazy Trump Bashing’

Black pro-Trump bloggers censored by Facebook to testify before Congress

Evangelical Leaders’ Wheaton College Meeting Was Not Anti-Trump, Organizer Clarifies

Pompeo’s Kansas Church Asks God to ‘Give Him Strength’ in Senate Confirmation Process

“The U.S. Has No Better Friends Anywhere” Than Israel: President Trump Congratulates Israel on Historic Independence Day

Trump Declaration, Second Chance Month for Ex-Cons, Based on Biblical Values

Pres. Trump Signs Exec. Order Pushing Work Requirement for Welfare: Promotes Marriage, Family

Trump signs bill cracking down on websites that help sex traffickers

Trump includes preborn in ‘Child Abuse Prevention Month’ declaration

In Case You Missed It: Pres. Trump’s Easter and Passover Message: “God’s Love Redeems the World”

Numbers Reveal Only 10 Percent of Anti-Gun ‘March For Our Lives’ in DC Was Made Up of Teen Students


‘No Evidence of Collusion’: House Panel Ends Russia Investigation

Religious liberty bill, unthinkable during Obama term, reborn in the age of Trump

A Defiant Netanyahu Opens UN Exhibit on Jerusalem: Thanks Nikki Haley for Being a “Tsunami of Fresh Air”

U.S. Hiring Surge: Employers Add 313K Jobs in February as Tax Cut Confidence Booms, Minority Unemployment at Historic Lows

Swedish Prime Minister Admits Trump was Right on Immigration & Gang Violence

U.S. Embassy Will Open in Jerusalem This May to Celebrate Israel’s 70th Anniversary

Mueller: NO AMERICANS, but 13 Russians Interfered in Election – To No Affect

‘In These Moments of Darkness, We Hold onto God’s Word’ Trump re: FL Shooting

President Trump Donates His 4th-Quarter Salary to Rebuilding the Country’s Infrastructure

Israeli group mints Trump coin to honor Jerusalem recognition

Keeping Promises, President Trump Unveils a Pro-Life Budget; Here’s What’s in It

Trump’s budget proposes defunding some abortion providers

Gov’t report finds overwhelming acceptance of U.S. abortion funding restrictions

Trump’s Envoy to Israel Tells Abbas, Palestinians, “Stop Denying Jewish History”

Trump at Prayer Breakfast Says US ‘Strengthened by the Power of Prayer’

Trump’s New Religious Freedom Amb. Praises Islamic Scholars in First Public Speech

Pro-Israel Group Targeted by IRS During Obama Administration is Finally Vindicated

5 Trump Cabinet Members and Their Christian Faith

Trump Administration Relentless in Fighting Mideast Terror: Designates Hamas Leader as “Global Terrorist”

CBS: Viewers Overwhelmingly Approve of President Trump’s SOTU Speech

Top 10 Highlights From Trump’s First State of the Union Speech

Pence: Trump Prays for Persecuted Christians, Says ISIS Will Be Destroyed

Sick, liberal policies were being pushed down our throats. That’s why we voted for Trump. It’s as simple as that.

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Nov 102016
President Donald Trump

November 10, 2016

Today, I am angry. Thugs rioting in the streets over Trump’s election? Seriously? I mean – what do these foolish protesters think WE went through for the last eight years?

Remember when Conservatives rioted in the streets after Obama was elected?  No?

Don’t assume we didn’t feel like it.  I had a friend contemplate suicide after Obama was elected the second time. But my friend got counseling rather than commit suicide – and we made our way through the years without throwing stones through the White House windows.

Do these big crybabies believe THEY are the only people in the nation who should ever have a say?  Do they honestly believe things are always supposed to go their way?  Apparently.  Look at what the Universities have been coddling for the last couple years.

Most Conservatives are TREMENDOUSLY  relieved by this election.  We are people – U.S. citizens – who did everything by the book for this election.  No stuffing ballots, rigging polls, or sending non-citizens to vote as the Democrats do.

In fact – knowing that the Democrats probably did all that and more – it is all the more amazing Trump pulled this off.

I am so sick and tired of the extreme left liberals in this nation.  So ANGRY at the lot of them – see them ALL as corrupt, yucky, worst of the worst people.  People who demand the right to murder full term babies – babies who, if given a few moments, could be born alive and free of their horrific mothers.  There is NO  – absolutely NO – medical condition that demands a baby be dead prior to delivery – and in fact, the mother would be rid of a full-term baby FASTER if the child is allowed to live, because holding it back in order to kill it takes time.

There is just skin and Baby in womb muscle between a full-term child and the outside world.  LET THE CHILD LIVE.

With no MEDICAL reason for murdering the baby, the ONLY incentive or benefit is for the sale of body parts. THAT IS A FACT.  And it is fact which will be soon more widely understood, now that those who make money off of harvesting children are no longer in control. WATCH –

April, 2016 – Congressman says probe DID show Planned Parenthood ran ‘ of baby body parts’

Aug. 19, 2016 – Aborted baby’s heart was beating as we harvested his brains: worker in new Planned Parenthood video

This has become such a sick, dysfunctional society and I am so angry at extreme left liberals expecting us to just sit back and accept every idiotic, perverse thing they suddenly decide they HAVE to have.

You WANT to understand Trump voters?  

Abortion and the Supreme Court were the two primary reasons many voted for Trump. But there are many, many additional reasons beyond those.

Plain and simple: Obama pushed his agenda too far. What did he and other liberals think would happen just nine months ago – when they demanded we women put up with men in our bathrooms?  You don’t think that was a motivation for us to scream and rampage?  WE DIDN’T rampage in the streets because most of us are more mature than the average far-left liberal.  But that doesn’t mean we weren’t rampaging in our hearts and souls – and rampage in our kitchen conversations with each other.

It wasn’t an issue that was talked about in the debates – most candidates were too cowardly to speak bluntly about the stupidity of the policy.  Further, there was WAY too many additional important issues that needed to be talked about. Nevertheless, our feelings about it were never hidden and it was NEVER an issue very far from our minds.  It was one of the first thing many thought of when Hillary said she was going to continue HIS policies.

June 6, 2016 – School stops enforcing Obama’s trans bathroom policy after parents pulled kids out

Poll: Two-thirds of Americans oppose government forcing transgender bathrooms

How could LIBERALS possibly be SO dumb as to think they could push something like this – DURING THE ELECTION EVEN – and believe that we would just SIT AND TAKE IT?

July 2016 – Leaked Emails Show DNC Pushed Narrative Against NC’s Transgender Bathroom Law

LOOK, they said ANY man – whether he was dressed as a woman or not – whether he felt like a man yesterday but felt like a woman today – is FLUID and we just have to accept whatever this poor person wants to do – because we can’t hurt his feelings.  He can be dressed as a man, with no apparent reason for not using the men’s room – but if he wants to use the women’s room, that is his right. High schools must also allow boys to sleep with the girls on high school trips! ONE sick liberal official said our girls ”just have to accept seeing genitals in locker rooms,” and it went on and on – getting sicker and sicker.

Under the Obama administration’s federal guidance:

– School districts must allow biological males and females to spend the night together in the same hotel room on field trips;

– Colleges must let men who say they are transgender be roommates with one or more women; and

– School officials cannot even tell those young women or their parents in advance that their new roommate is a man, without risking a federal lawsuit.

The wording requiring schools to provide transgender students proper “housing” states –

“A school must allow transgender students to access housing consistent with their gender identity,” it states, “and may not require transgender students to stay in single-occupancy accommodations or to disclose personal information when not required of other students.”

Are you KIDDING?

Many women do NOT feel safe with a man in the room – yet their feelings do not matter. Talk about misogyny – it is Obama, Clinton and their supporters who discount the feelings of women, inferring they are just being “overly dramatic” and “homophobic” over this issue.

January 2016 – Female Office Worker Encounters Man Urinating in Ladies’ Room Exposed

Further – we feel our children are being preyed upon by the left with their agenda: 

June 2016 – Washington State to Teach Kindergartners about Transgenderism


Don’t even try to tell us it hasn’t hurt women or girls. Many men have been arrested for committing crimes against women and girls in rest rooms over the last nine months. Much of it just isn’t getting reported in most papers. bathrooms-6

May 4, 2016 – Young Girl in Women’s Changing Room at Target sees man taking pictures over the wall with his cell phone….

“The man was in a female dressing room at the Target and was seen by the victim, over the wall with his cell phone, taking photos of the victim.” “…the girl ran and told Target staff who told police.”

Sept 30, 2016 – Target’s Transgender Bathroom Policy Leads to 10 Crimes Targeting Girls Undressing, Says AFA

Hillary Clinton fully supported the murder of full-term children, as well as forcing women to accept men in their bathrooms (Something she wouldn’t have to deal with, as it is doubtful she uses public bathrooms) – yet Clinton wanted us to believe she was the strongest supporter of women, children and families. She was – and continues to be – a liar. 

Frankly – the liberals can take their sick agendas and shove it.  How DARE they say they are offended by TRUMP – when they keep coming up with this sick crap. Clinton has the foulest entertainers on her stage and talks about how much she loves them – while at the same time pretending to be offended by Trump.  Meanwhile.. her husband flies the Lolita express.

WE are sick of it all.  Trump made his millions off of encouraging vice. We KNOW that.  But that’s the point – we KNEW who he was, but he was telling us what he was going to do to protect us from liberal policies and things would improve.  Clinton was LYING about who she was – and telling us things would not only stay the same as they were under Obama, but get worse.

Couple all this with the left’s constant bashing of the Christian Faith, the threat of terrorism, Clinton Cronyism, criminal corruption, crimes reveale through Wikileaks, Benghazi, and more. There were so many reasons to vote against Clinton, they probably can’t all be counted.

YOU REALLY want to pretend this was all about Clinton being a woman??  Please.

Very simply – it was about PROTECTING our children and ourselves from the woman who claimed to champion children and women.  We wanted TRUE concern for children – not Clinton’s faux show of concern – a claim she tried to make fly in the last few months of her campaign.

Safety and Children – Period.  Those two words – Safety and Children – include more than just abortion and bathrooms. It includes issues of immigration, Obamacare, foreign policy, terrorism, law and economy – and Freedom of Religion; issues Donald Trump correctly addressed.

Foolish liberals.

PRAISE GOD for the results of the 2016 election.

And YES – many of us want to see Clinton in prison. We have made that clear. Don’t you dare use the fact that Trump ran against her in the election as an excuse for her to get away with her crimes.

Don’t even go there. We are already mad as heck at the liberal establishment.

Our world has gone nuts

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May 142016

Our world appears to have gone crazy. Those wishing to remain within the boundaries of sanity and reality must fight for it, as well as for our children.

Many of us in America are at a loss to understand how our world has gotten so crazy so quickly.  What has been known for centuries to be right and good is now, suddenly, in the last twenty years been turned the opposite.  What all have known to be evil is now considered good – and what has been good is now said to be evil. Darkness takes the place of light, and light for darkness. Bitter is now ‘sweet’ – and sweet is exchanged for bitter.

sBrothers and Sisters – stand fast for what you know to be true. Stand strong for what you know to be good and right for your children and grandchildren. And when you have done all – continue to stand.

You are not the crazy one.

Unfortunately – it is not just our worldview and way of life that is under attack.  Christians around the world are being persecuted and even murdered – crucified, church’s blown up, heads cut off –  simply because they acknowledge Jesus is Lord and Messiah.

None of us know where the current persecution of Christians and Jews across the world is headed.  But most of us realize we are just at the beginning of whatever is coming.

In the 1930’s, a European government began pushing new laws and world view upon its people.  Many – in their hearts – recognized the evil.  Further, contrary to popular belief, many citizens did not agree or go along with it.  Many, unfortunately, died in their efforts to stop the evil.

Praise God – although that evil government went on to torture and murder millions – they did not prevail with their intention to take over Europe and then the world.  They did not go on to murder millions more.

They were stopped. And if we care at all for the world and our children – it is incumbent on us all to stand in the gap – stand strong – and stand up for what is right and good. …and having done all, to stand firm.


For more encouragement and information, visit “Women Pushing Back” on Facebook….




Defend Babies Even if it Means Shutting Down Gov’t

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Sep 262015

September 26, 2015

Children of low income, minority heritage mothers are the most common victims of the mass genocide called abortion.

That is why most of the abortion mills are in low income neighborhoods.

Many Americans would rather temporarily shut down the government than continue funding Planned Parenthood.

Temporarily shutting down the government is worth it if it is the only way to defund Planned Parenthood.

We would rather force President Obama to veto than to just keep on, business as usual, giving our money to monsters. Let the world see what kind of man he really is.

We want everything possible done to ensure tax dollars are not assisting a monstrous entity harvest body parts of children.

More than that – we want that monstrous entity shut down permanently, today.  But we know Congress can’t do that. However, they CAN shut down government for a temporary period.

We expect our elected representatives to do everything in their power to do their jobs, protect our children, and vote correctly.