May 182016

Many women do not feel comfortable in ‘transgender’ bathrooms.

– Many women who have been raped do not feel safe in ‘transgender’ bathrooms.
– Many women who were sexually abused as children do not feel safe sending their daughters into “transgender” bathrooms.
– Many, many women feel offended and abused by politicians, media and corporations who claim they MUST accept and live with it.

We are offended by powerful entities determined to shove their personal priorities down everyone’s throats – no matter what the consequences.

Can anyone give good advice as to how a mother of several children – boys and girls – is supposed to handle her daughter’s needs at a shopping center? Is she to shepherd them all into the girls bathroom so she can keep an eye on her daughter instructing her boys to stay next to the door where she can keep an eye on them as well?

Yes – times have changed and we can no longer handle daily life in the same easy manner we felt we could in the 1960’s. But do these large corporations that are shoving their outlandish demands at us not stop and think for a moment as to how many – if not most – women genuinely feel about it?

No – several have announced they are boycotting North Carolina for having passed a law designed to protect the emotional and physical needs of women and children in the state.

  • Do modest women and mothers not matter at all anymore to Deutsche Bank, Apple, Starbucks, Kellogg’s, Yahoo!, PayPal, Bruce Springsteen or Ringo Starr?
  • Do hurting, victimized women and mothers not matter at all anymore to Deutsche Bank, Apple, Starbucks, Kellogg’s, Yahoo!, PayPal, Bruce Springsteen or Ringo Starr?
  • Do they understand that a woman’s restroom is place where women go to partially disrobe behind a flimsy door – and some previously victimized women already feel anxious and vulnerable in that position just as is?

No – for some reason, only the emotional and physical needs of trans-gendered men is of importance to these persons in leadership.
What I am guessing – (as I have never seen it fully explained) – is that the problem comes when a man dressed as a woman needs to use a man’s bathroom. From what I can gather, men are not very receptive to men in dresses and there is some perhaps understandable fear for a man to enter a man’s bathroom in a dress.

Apparently – many of our male media, politicians, entertainers, and corporate moguls understand that dynamics. Perhaps they have witnessed things in men’s bathrooms that women haven’t witnessed.

Perhaps that is why they are dismissing our sense of danger when they feel it is the trans-gendered man they are protecting from danger.
Be that as it may – they don’t understand the dynamics of a woman’s bathroom. They are totally ignoring, downplaying and dismissing the intrinsic views and discomfort of most women – not to mention the very real and poignant fears of many others. Some women will choose to do anything but use a public restroom anymore.

…Women – it seems you need to get over it, because apparently this man cannot. For some reason – his emotions are snow-flake, and yours are merely the product of feminine drama, childishness, immaturity, and hatefulness.

Talk about misogyny. Again – here is evidence that the ‘war on women’ comes primarily from the left.

Needless to say – I am no longer a fan of any of the above boycotting entities. The size and prominence of some of them in daily business makes them difficult to avoid, but not impossible. Fortunately, I do not own any Apple products and have never been a Starbuck’s regular. I can work on eliminating the rest of the boycotters from my life. I can switch my allegiances to corporations and entertainers that respect women.

It is not only insane but unconscionable that the potential for feeling offense by a very small number of people should put millions of others into this unarguable position of offense and extreme discomfort – if not danger.

What on earth is going on with our nation and world. Insanity reigns.


‘Women Pushing Back’ is a new Facebook community supporting Women offended by ‘transgender’ bathrooms, mothers standing up for the safety of their families, Grandmothers fighting for morality & sanity, and any other person fed up with what has been happening to our country over the last decade. If we want our communities to remain within the boundaries of sanity and reality, we must fight for it.